Trace the letters on the Arabic Flashcards with your finger and encourage your child to do so. Remind your child that Arabic starts from the right!
Look at the letters on the Arabic Flashcards and draw them in the air. Can your child copy you?
Crafts time! Ask your child to pick his or her favourite Arabic flash card. Recreate both the picture and the letter using tissue paper and other colourful materials. How about finger painting the letter or writing in sand?
Baking time? Decorate a cake with chocolate buttons to form the first letter of your child’s name!
Can your child spot the Arabic letters in the Arabic words on front of the flash cards? If your child wants to copy the whole word, let them have a go!
Be creative and imaginative, invent Arabic learning games and activities that engage your child’s senses! Whatever you do, make sure your child has a fun-packed time learning how to write Arabic!